You've heard the popular phrase "content is king" before. While the ever-changing landscape of internet marketing has added layers of nuance to this truth, the fact is that content still reigns.
However, any time the importance of publishing content comes up in conversation, I inevitably hear someone say "I want to publish more, I just have no idea what to talk about." This lack of ideas (and creativity) is the #1 reason people and businesses fail to pursue this critical marketing channel.
Which is where this post (or "content") comes in. So here are 12 great types of content you can post TODAY on your blog, podcast, YouTube channel, Facebook group, or any other platform.
This just in; creating content is crucial to your business
The fact is that evolution has trained our brains to constantly be on the look out for what is new and/or different. This means we are naturally drawn to the "news", aka whatever is new.
Even if you avoid the news, like I do, for reasons you can understand from consuming ANY news outlet, we can't help but to notice and remember what is new in whatever interests and/or affects us.
This is why I often don't immediately buy books that I want to read, because I know the "new" and updated version will be released soon. Even if it's only %1 different, as they usually are, I want to be as up-to-date as possible when it comes to the things I care about, and that affect me. And so do you.
Whether you discuss trends, notable events, new regulations, or anything else, people in your target market won't be able to help themselves but to click on your current events and "news."
The best headlines appeal to people’s self-interest, or give news...The human curiosity to know what is new does not change.
The internet (and especially Google) has become where most people turn to have their questions answered, many of which start with "How do I...?" By answering these How-To questions, you become a knowledgeable reference point, which establishes trust, and gets clicks.
You could also offer general tips. If your target market is veganism, for example, many prospects would be drawn to an article such as "10 Tips to Get Started With Veganism", or something like that. The great thing about tips is that they are always welcome, and bring to mind a friendly helper.
Similar to How-To's, tutorials allow you to provide in-depth and specific instruction, often with a tool. If someone wants to learn how to manage their new email marketing software, they will be much more interested and better served by an in-depth tutorial, than by a simple How-To.
10) What To Not Do, and Avoid
Parental guidance suggested
Arguably more compelling than How-To, is How-Not-To content. Getting back to a bit of human psychology, we are naturally fearful and cautious beings. This means that anything that minimizes our chance at failure in anything will be something we are interested in.
Since you are reading this most, you might be interested in another titled "10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Publishing Blog Posts." Of course, this idea can be applied to any other market.
With so much content out there nowadays telling us what to do and how to do it, many people find it refreshing to also learn what not to do. Plus the list of things to what not do is generally shorter.
9) Predictions and Trends
What's better than breaking news content? Predicting the future news, of course! Similar to our "news" fascination, we love to hear bold predictions, and are generally forgiving of mistakes. In addition to drawing interest and clicks, making predictions also gives you the chance to explain your predictions, which allows you to thoroughly explain yourself and establish your expert position. In the same vein as predictions, trends also allow your audience to peer into the future. Trends also have the advantage of being "more true", evidence based, and more short-term.
Make predictions. They don't have to all be right, but people expect predictions and ideas for the future from thought leaders.
Interviews are a great form of content for many reasons. For one, they allow you to boost and borrow credibility from your interviewee. They also provide you with a great opportunity to just straight up network with professionals, authors and thought leaders you'd like to meet.
Interviews provide a great change of pace from your "regularly scheduled programming", and they also serve as somewhat of a free consultation session.
The bigger the fish you aim to book, the more strategic you'll have to be when you make your request. A great strategy for booking "bigger fish" is to simply wait until they are promoting a new book or product, when they will be much more interested and likely to accept your invitation.
7) Opinions and Responses
I HATE PUPPIES. Here's why...
I don't actually hate puppies, but I said that to show you how opinions can compel readers to read on, even when they disagree with it. Whether your audience agrees with your passionate opinions or not, sharing them humanizes you and promotes a feeling of stronger connection to your readers/fans.
Be calculated with your controversial opinions, and stand strong if you're challenged.
Responses are similar to opinion pieces, except that they respond to one specific event such as a new law, a new movie, a corporate move, a presidential tweet, or a message you received.
Opinions and responses show more of the "real" you than standard business-type posts, and they give you more leeway to be yourself and speak "normally."
SEO success boils down to your being able to produce significant amounts of quality comes down to 2 things: content and links.
Most people have too many things to do and worry about as it is, so when they look to make an investment in an expensive or long-term commitment, they want to know what to look for.
For example, in the digital marketing world, a fresh newcomer would have to learn about web design, email marketing, appointment setting, project management, paid advertising, and much more.
When searching for a provider for these services, it helps a lot to have a friend who has been through it before, guide you in the process of choosing for yourself.
5) FAQ's
Aside from drawing in readers, the best thing about FAQ content is that your audience practically creates your content for you. Which questions do you find yourself answering most often?
Not in a negative way, but it also gives you a great resource to send/refer people to when they inevitably ask the same questions over and over.
FAQ content can be very useful in addressing/answering every possible objection they could have to buying from or working with you. Russell Brunson similarly calls this "breaking false beliefs".
4) Reviews & Comparisons
But what do the Amazon/Yelp/YouTube reviews say?
Reviews and social validation is increasingly important for businesses today; especially as the internet allows the everyone on Earth who interacts with your product/service to give their opinion.
Lots of reviews are a top indicator that a product will sell on Amazon, if the they aren't all 5-star.
Even though reviews are often skewed negative (people happy with their purchase often don't write reviews), they provide valuable insight into issues that can make or break our buying decision.
Similarly, comparison content is simply comparing multiple reviews at once. Any time I am in the market for a long-term solution such as software, my first step is often to Google "best 5 __________."
Similar to reviews, comparisons are very useful and help people to make important decisions.
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3) Dispel Myths
The jury is still out on the existence of Pokémon
Judging by how stubborn many people, you would think most people wouldn't like to have their ideas, opinions, and beliefs challenged. While that may true for some people, counter-intuitive and surprising opinions and information are compelling and are growing increasingly popular.
People also enjoy saving themselves from embarrassment, and so will often be compelled to consume content such as "10 Myths You Believe About (Your Market) That Are Costing You Money."
2) Re-teach Lessons / Chapters
Even if you have been in your industry for twenty years or more, you likely regularly come across good ideas or points in books, magazines, podcasts, or whichever content types you consume.
Whether it was a chapter, a concept, or a passing comment, you can re-teach those important lessons in your own content, if you think your audience would appreciate or could benefit from them.
Some sales examples include the lessons on objection handling, networking, first impressions, following-up, appearances, prospecting, and more, and your options are endless.
I've seen people build entire careers and even launch annual conferences, by focusing on one concept or strategy from a classic book.
1) Listicles
Guess the format of the blog post you are reading right now
This may be more of a format than a content type, but it still deserves it's mention. It's been very trendy for some time now to deride internet "list" posts, as well as their readers.
While hating on lists may make some cynics feel good about themselves, it also shows that they don't know what they're talking about, since lists continue to prove themselves effective in marketing.
Whether we like it or not, most people would rather read an easily digestible 5-point piece, than a big blob of text with no paragraphs, no headlines, and no variation or hierarchy in text.
Blame it on social media, or kids these days, or whatever, but attention spans are very short now, so you're better off not fighting the tide. Lists get and keep attention so consider them a gift.
Of course, there is a place for relatively "drier" long-form content, but lists simply work.
If you’re not familiar with the term, a “tripwire” is a low-ticket, introductory offer designed to be a low-risk, first step into your sales path. While you CAN make some money with tripwire offers, they aren’t so much immediate profit-generators as they are customer-generators, which are more valuable.
If you’ve got a niche (and I mean a well-defined niche), then your chances of growing and scaling are infinitely better…The reason businesses fail to grow is often because they fail to identify a specific market and stick with it. Michael KillenFrom Single to Scale
“You are only one sales letter away from being rich.” That inspiring quote comes from legendary copywriter Gary Halbert. The easiest way to define a sales letter is the “pitch” you make to convince people to buy. He means that one well-written marketing message can make a business, and
You can get laid with lust. But you get married and stay married with trust…Rather than get customers to make sales, it is smarter to make sales to get customers. Dan KennedyNo BS Guide to Trust-Based Marketing In case you haven’t already heard,